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Understanding the streams arts, commerce, and science and explore your academic path after 10th

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06 February 2024

Undoubtedly, class 10 is a crucial moment in every student's journey. During this time some students may have a clear vision of what to do next. However, most of the students don’t know how to proceed further and which stream to choose. To have clear career guidance after 10th keep reading this content till the end and everything will be cleared. 

Here are some points to consider before choosing the stream: - 

In the present day, all fields or streams present various opportunities, but it’s important to choose the right one. So, before choosing the stream let’s discuss some of the important factors, which will help you to understand the situation better. 

  1. Know the available streams or subjects thoroughly: -

Before deciding any stream it’s important to know about all the available streams, so that you can choose the right one according to your requirements. Let’s have a look about top five streams: -


Required Subjects







Medical Stream






General Science










Political Science





Business Studies



  1. Research syllabus of all the subjects: - 

One of the most important things to do is knowing the syllabus of the subjects, that you are going to consider for future reading. To have a basic understanding of the syllabus you can download the NCERT syllabus from the official website. If still you need to know more then you can go for online videos, where you will get a clear idea of the syllabus. So, do a little bit of research and know the syllabus of the subject before choosing the stream.

  1. Follow your interest: -

It’s not always true that the subject you score well on will be your favorite subject. There may be so many various topics or parts that motivate you to read the subject more. You must have to make sure that the subject you are going to choose will help you to achieve your aim. Because if you don’t choose your favorite subject then you might lose interest in your subject. In the future this thing can harm your career, so be wise and choose the right subject or stream.

  1. Choosing the optional subject: - 

Choosing an optional subject is also an art. While choosing the optional subject you must think about your aim. You must choose the required subject which will help you to achieve the aim. Also, keep in mind that it should be an easy subject in which you can score easily. It will help you to reduce the extra stress on the time of exams.

  1. Research a little bit about the resources: - 

It’s also important to research the resources you have in your area or wherever you are going to study after the 10th. Because if there are not enough resources for your stream or subject then you can’t explore the subject perfectly, and this thing will have a negative impact on you. So, it’s always better to know about the resources you have for your stream.

What are the things you should not consider during this time?

After talking about the things you should consider, now we are going to discuss which are the things you should not consider while choosing the stream or the subject. Here are some of the important facts: -

  • You should not influence your choice under pressure from parents or society. This thing can harm your educational journey.

  • Do not have an imaginary dream of your career, always stay in reality. It’s not a movie or dream it’s your real life where you have to make every decision carefully.

  • Do not choose a career based on fame or money, because all students can't achieve that. But if you give your full effort in your chosen stream then fame and money will follow you.

What to choose after class 10? Arts, Science or Commerce?

It is one of the major decisions in your life, you have to choose the stream very carefully. The future of your educational journey completely depends on this decision. Know about these streams in detail before selecting them.

Arts: - This is one of the broadest streams where you will get subjects like history, education, geography, language subjects (Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, etc.), Political Science, Philosophy, and more. If you really love creativity and art then this stream is for you. This stream will also help you in developing critical thinking, social awareness, and communication skills.

Science: - This stream is one of the popular and favorite streams among students, with subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and more. If you are really good at aptitude, analytical, and logical thinking then this stream is the best choice for you. This stream will also help you to develop problem-solving skills and lay the groundwork for professional courses like engineering and medicine.

Commerce: - This is one of the demanding and popular streams where you will learn to focus on the basics of business and economics. In this stream, you will get to know about subjects like Accountancy, Economics, business, and many more. If you're really thinking about a career in business, finance, or accounting, this is the right stream for you.

Other than these subjects you can also make your career in other direction. You can choose various types of courses after 10th and settle your career.  

What are the career opportunities you have or courses you can do after class 10?

  • Career option that you will have for each stream: - 

Based on the subject or stream we are going to discuss some of the career opportunities you will have after completing study on the stream. 

Subject or Stream

Career opportunities

Computer science

Technical writer, Developer, Cyber security, Animation, teacher, Data analyst, Software engineer, Computer network architect, industrial designer, etc.

Science with physics, chemistry and biology

Nursing, Chemist, Medicine, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, teacher, medical stream (MBBS, ANM, GNM, B.Sc nursing, veterinary, Ayurveda, Dentist, Homeopathy, Physiotherapy, Laboratory technologist, Forensic science, etc.)

Science with physics chemistry and math

Engineer (Engineer in various department, Data scientist, Data analyst, Entrepreneurship, Civil services, Designer, management, software engineer, web development, etc.), Robotics, Manufacturing, Architecture, Environmental science, teacher, etc.


Chartered Accountancy, Actuary, Bank PO/Investment Banking, Bank clerk,Financial Consulting/Planning, Stockbroking, Private Equity/Venture Capital, teacher,Insurance, etc.


Law, Civil service, Journalism, Advertising, Hospitality, Commercial artist, Content writer, Language translator, Author, Fashion, Psychology, Marketing, teacher, etc. 

Now let’s discuss about the courses you can do after class 10: -

There are lots of courses that you can chose after class 10 and built your career. Here are the after 10th courses list: -

  1. Diploma courses after class 10: - 

After finishing class 10 you can have various types of diploma courses which will help you to learn a lot about specific subjects and practical skills in different areas. Here are the details of some of the diploma courses: - 



Course Detail 

Future scope

Diploma in Hotel Management

1-2 years

Here you will gain knowledge about hotel operations and skills of hotel management

A high level scope in hospitality and tourism sector

Diploma in event management 

Around 1 year

In this course you will learn to manage or organize events in professional manner

Great opportunities in the event planner companies and entertainment industry

Diploma in digital marketing

6 months to 1 year

In this course you will learn about managing business digitally 

With a high demand in digital marketing professional, you can get high paying jobs in so many companies

  1. Polytechnic courses after class 10: - 

There are so many polytechnic courses available for the students after class 10, in these courses you will learn about various techniques and skills. Here are some of the course details: -



Course Detail

Career opportunities 

Civil Engineering

3 to 4 years

In this course you will learn about structural engineering, project management, construction materials,surveying,and building planning

Great opportunities in construction companies,government organizations, and real estate

Automobile Engineering

Around 3 years

This course basically focuses on automotive technologies like engine design, automotive electronics, vehicle dynamics and workshop practices

You will get a job in automobile manufacturing companies as a service technician or engineer etc. 

Electrical Engineering

Around 3 years

Here you will learn about electrical circuits, control systems, power systems, electrical machines

High level scope in electrical companies and government organizations 

  1. Vocational courses after class 10: - 



Course Detail

Career opportunities

Diploma in Journalism

Around 1 year

Here you will learn about journalism, and media studies

Good career opportunities in media houses, and broadcasting channels 

Diploma in fashion industry

1 year to 2 years

You will learn about fashion design, styling and construction 

Good career opportunities in fashion industry 


Around 1 year

Here you will learn about 2D/3D animations, visual effects, and designing characters 

High level scope in animation industry